Sunday, September 13, 2009

making your home sing monday

Making your home sing Mondays

Check out Mom's the word for more MONDAYS.

So my home is actually singing this week for the first time in a long time.. I cant say it is all because I found my motivation and put my nose to the grindstone and divided and conquered..NOPE it is because my husband and sister helped me a lot getting things done.. My three year old even picked up her room (after literally a ALL DAY fight, many times outs and spankings) BUT SHE DID GET IT DONE!!! I was so proud of her and rewarded the dishes are done, all the floors swept and mopped, the pantry arranged, groceries put up .. fresh sheets on the beds and final coat of paint done in our new room and hubby got all the wiring done and ceiling fan up in Gussy's new room and our room.. we are now ready to touch up the ceiling where i (oops) painted it by accident.. lay sub floor and wood floor.. that is next weekends project..SO today the to do list is fold and put away the laundry in the bed room and wash more..I go on the 24th for my ultrasound to find out what we are having.. Happy Monday everyone..


  1. Ooh, what a wonderful feeling to have it all done! Wish I could say the same, lol!

    Glad you stuck to it and made your daughter clean her room. Good for her and good for you, she learned a good lesson.

    I'll bet you're excited about finding out what you're going to have!

    Thank you for joining us today!
