Sunday, October 11, 2009

happy homemaker monday


he weather in my neck of the woods:

very fall ish.. cool..

One of my simple pleasures
the changing colors of the fall leaves

On my bedside table:
phone, yarn, earplugs, crochet magazine

On my TV:
sponge bob

On the menu for tonight:
cheesy mexican chicken

On my To Do List:
dish's and laundry and resting

New Recipe I tried last week:
cheesy mexican chicken (like cheese chicken from El Charro)

In the craft basket:
Ellie's blanket

Looking forward to:
gus getting well ..

Homemaking Tip for this week:
make a list everyday with things that HAVE To be done and to those first..leave the little stuff for a raining day..

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
dont really have one but you can look at my blog here about the cute things i've made sweet Ellie

Favorite photo(s) from last week
well i Have several this week..this is the front of our house i decorated..

my little miah peeking around the corn stalk at papa's house



Lesson learned the past few days:
when rendering lard it is best to wear nose plugs..

On my Prayer List:
braxton ( little boy with neroblastoma) ,my friend holly and her little girl with leukemia,my little boy Gussy he has Bronchitis, me i have placental previa

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Romans 12:10 Be kindly affection ed one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

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