Wednesday, October 21, 2009

wordful wednesday

make sure to check out Seven Clown Circus for more Wednesday's HERE.
SO my pic this week is of my "pro type" home made cloth diaper I sewed up for my impending arrival named Ellie Ruth-Mae.. I learned they might need to be a size larger and to rethink my Velcro attaching position. BUT here it is. my feeble attmept .. but these are the things you learn by being a mom.. what does and dont work. Motherhood is on the job training no book or class can really prepare you..

the back

the front

laying flat

fastened up


  1. Wow! I'm impressed. I can hardly sew a button. :)

  2. I'm with Kelli, I can hardly sew a button on, so this is pretty amazing.

    Happy WW!

  3. Aw, teeny, tiny newborn diapers! Sooooo cute!
