Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
well it is time for not me monday and this week is goin to be short because my little angel is in hospital right now and im finishing up this draft as she sleeps so i can post it ..SO i would never stay up till 3 am to catch up on house work not me. I would never sleep on the couch while my 3 yrs is watching cartoon. nope.. i would never get upset when she climbs over the baby gate and get in a bottle of nail polish and she would never paint her legs bright red..nope not my little angel. and i would never take apic of her in that condition
.i would never put off doin the laundry until it literaly mounded up on our bed like a huge mole hill. hey at least it is clean..right.. i would NEVER EVER write a blog about my ungrateful selfish husband and my huge disappointment of a mothers day.well that is about all i have time to write as im am so tired from to day's events.
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